Distributor Sanitary & Building Material Indonesia
Kitchen and Bathroom
We offer complete solution for your Kitchen and bathroom instalation. From the solution instalation until the kitchen and bathroom utilities. Our range of product will help you to provide an advance solution.

Building & Industries
We provide high value added products to a wide range of industries. The materials and technological actively pursues research and development of new materials to meet the needs of various industries as a solution provider breakthroughs can be found for the next generation.

Plastic Blow Molding Machine manufacturers offer high quality Plastic Blow Molding Machines to meet all your Plastic Blow Molding Machine requirements. We will advices the requirement specification and Technical advice, If you are looking for high quality Plastic Blow Molding Machine and reliable manufacturers.

RT.004 / RW.006
Kel. Pluit, Kec. Penjaringan
Jakarta Utara 14450
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